Let Money Work For The Churches
Money as means has taken center stage in today's era of the preachers and most ministers as Satan used it to entice Christ to bow down to him in his moment of total separation to fast and to pray for forty days and nights in the wilderness, but the Christ overcame him with the written word of God each time the tempter made his moves.
Unless today preachers will rather used scripture to accept forbidden temptations from the fallen deciever who is able to decieve the whole world.
Money has been hallowed even than human beings who are more precious than these minerals , gold, silver, diamond, and onyx the enemy has decieved mankind so much that if you don't have money , you considered as poor by that ideology.
The enemy has possessed females and males to place more important to money than to Go the Creator.
The enemy has made mankind to think against the Creator that unless you do dubious things you cannot succeed in this life and it is all lies from the enemy of our souls.
Every soul is a divine currency ,which is more eternal than all silver and gold put together on the Earth.
The Churches are the Creator's kingdom on Earth who are here to represent the King of Kings and His Lordship.
The institution to handle money issues are the banks who are skilled by the Divine.
If the churches would allow the banks to work on their money issues there would be a lot of relief for them.
The Creator told his kingdom in the wilderness that they would lend and not borrow, but it has become the other way run. Churches are rather borrowing from banks, what went wrong ? You tell me
The ideals of the King has been averted to personal gains and greed . Today the churches are now servants for the banks.
God have mercy on his church , because wolves have come in amongst the sheep.
I propose that let the Churches allow the banks to work out their money issues as they concentrate on the making of disciples throughout whole world.
This would turn on into miracles. Scarcity into prosperity , seeds into trees.
God help us to understand this truth.
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